For over a century the New England Joint Board has represented thousands of New England workers on the floors of factories and mills. Our members have made everything from finished textiles and fabrics to quality men’s and women’s clothing. For years these manufacturing jobs were some of the worst jobs in the country, paying substandard wages with abysmal working conditions to thousands of immigrant laborers. Through years of hard work and brave fighting these workers won rights on the job and an improved quality of life through their union. This built a strong and vibrant middle class. Before long manufacturing jobs were the best jobs in America and the American product was superior to all the rest.
The New England Joint Board is proud of this history and our place in building the American middle class. We are proud to carry this tradition into the 21st century. Even though the manufacturing industry has drastically changed, our members continue to show that we CAN still make things in this country. Please click the “Buy Union Made” link to see a list of commercially available products that NEJB members proudly make. Remember that when you buy union made you support workers with a voice at their workplace.